List of Tables


The standard LaTeX commands are well documented in the LaTeX manual. You will probably have to hand edit the .lof (list of figures) and .lot (list of tables) files to make verbose captions more suitable for this front matter. Once you do this, remember to use the macro to keep them from getting overwritten.

The acknowledgements and dedication environments make their contents start on a new page. The acknowledgements environment also put the word "Acknowledgements" in large, bold, centered text at the top of the page. For formatting the dedication page, you're on your own. After all, the dedication is a kind of poetry and there's no predicting the right way to format poetry.

===================================================== Other commands not found in the standard report style =====================================================

The "smalltabular" and "smalltabular*" environments are equivalent to the "tabular" and "tabular*" environments, except that they use the font. The "scriptsizetabular" and "scriptsizetabular*" use the font.

============================= Installing the UCTHESIS class =============================

To install the UCTHESIS class, you need to install four files:

ucthesis.cls uct10.clo uct11.clo uct12.clo

in your LaTeX class file repository.